Hello, I'm Soraille!
I'm an artist based in the Philippines.
I like cute, sparkly stuff.

CREATEDEarly 2010s
Full NameEllis Jacobs-Sullivan
NicknamesEli, Ewi, Baby Bear
Age, Gender25, Male
Birthday, SignSeptember 14, Virgo
Height, Weight160cm, 48kg
Civil StatusMarried
OccupationGame BG Artist
HobbiesBaking, gardening,
collecting polar bear
LikesRay, going on dates,
lemons, polar bears,
flowers, iced coffee
DislikesBeing away from Ray
Assigned ColorsBaby Pink
Pastel Yellow
Body ClaimSherlock Taemin
Voice Claim***Endo Aya (JP)*
Komatsu Mikako (JP)**

* Kid Gilgamesh (Fate) | ** Totsuka Saika (SNAFU)
*** Mix the two with Tsubasa Yonaga's pinchy voice


Eli has a wavy wolf-cut, shoulder-length hairstyle in baby pink color and pastel yellow highlights. His eyes are of sunset-to-golden color with long upper eyelashes.His most notable facial features are his moles - 1 under his left eye, 1 under his lips' right side, 1 on his left jaw - and his ahoge which often takes different shapes depending on moods.He wears a red, round earring on his left ear, matching with Ray.Eli's body is pale and slender, fragile-looking. He has visible flush of pink to his cheeks, like a permanent blush.His fingers are long and slender with nails (natural or round-shaped) often done with French tips.


Eli can be described as soft and feminine, incredibly affectionate and considerate, whom everyone can't help but spoil and dote on. Although he can be a bit slow about certain things... Others would further describe him as having baby energy.He is an introvert who likes gardening and is obsessed with collecting anything polar bear-themed. Because of this obsession, their house is adorned with his massive collection in every corner possible. (Sometimes it can be a bit concerning.)As much as he is an introvert, Eli unfortunately suffers from anxiety and being in crowds or being subjected to a lot of eyes can easily overwhelm him. Thus, he always prefers to be with someone he's close with whenever he's attending any social gathering.On rare occasions, he may act spoiled or gets upset easily but feels guilty almost instantly for feeling that way, resulting to overthinking.


  • His design is highly inspired by Seragaki Aoba of DRAMAtical Murder.

  • Eli's beta design has hot pink straight hair, facial perceings, and a bratty personality, which is a complete 180o from his final design. The only thing passed on to his final design is his obsessions with bears.

  • His female name is "Elise."

  • He doesn't call Ray any cute nicknames.

  • He's not used to his mom calling him by his name.

  • He's not great at cooking but he has a knack for baking, specifically apple pies.

  • Eli goes and lines up like a normal person to Ray's book signings despite Ray always telling him he can always sign whatever item Eli wants at home but Eli insists he want to go for the "authentic experience." Eli then gets spoiled afterwards at home. <3

  • Eli also buys multiple copies of Ray's books: 1 for reading (usually this gets to be signed), 1 for collection (left unsealed), and 1 for lending. He also buys limited edition covers all being left unsealed.

  • Eli can be a bit slow in comprehending sarcasm, suggestive connotations, and similar phrases. Please have patience with baby.

  • He's never flown in economy. On all the flights he's been in, business class seats are what normal seats to him. This came to be when his mom's career started taking off and he's been spoiled ever since.

  • Eli is the type of drunk that remembers everything.


Early Life

Eli is born to an aspiring shoe designer (20) and a wealthy businessman (22). He was initially assumed to be female to be named "Elise" as his father's side of family had a lot female members.As the first and only child, his parents were 100% hands-on for the first few years of his life and often got spoiled a bit excessively, yet understandable. He was sickly as a baby so hospital visits were part of his routine.During his toddler years, his mom's (Lilia) career started taking off which made her busier and would often leave Eli in the daycare. Eli's dad also took over as the main parent to him.However, an incident in the daycare changed their lives forever (and for the worse).!! WARNING !! Sensitive Content - Highlight to Read
Eli's father was found guilty of molesting him after Eli complained to his daycare teacher he didn't want to be picked up by his dad, which caused great concern to the staff and they immediately informed Lilia.
Lilia, without second thoughts, fled their house and sought shelter with her parents, immediately filed a restraining order against her husband and had him arrested. Later, she filed for divorced. The court proceedings for everything were nothing but difficult and traumatizing. In the end, she won each case and had raised Eli as a single mother since.This terrible event led to Eli sadly being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. He's become more wary of strangers, specifically of males, and anxious of being separated from his mother. This was especially tough for Lilia as a single mother and had stunted her career growth because of this. Yet, she persevered and didn't let the obstacles win over her until she gave the most comfortable and secure life for her baby.

School Life

For his elementary years, Eli have been home-schooled with specifically female teachers only. He had no troubles with his education and had passed all of his subjects with flying colors. He had shown great interest with the arts, thanks to always watching his mom sketch all the time.By middle school, Eli was enrolled to a co-ed, public insititution. It wasn't the easiest thing for him and he had difficulties socializing. But thanks to his good, feminine looks, girls would often flock to and befriend him.The girls loved Eli's looks quite a lot, that at one event, they suggested to dress Eli in dresses, much to his dislike. Afraid to lose their friendship, he agreed. However, his male classmates saw this as a chance to humiliate him. This sadly triggered Eli and had a panic attack. Due to this, he was pulled out of the school and went back to being home-schooled.This event made him develop a dislike towards skirts to the point if he saw his mom wear one, his first reaction would be concern. This lead Lilia to only wear pants from then on to ease Eli's worries. He also started dressing more conservatively with baggier clothing, revealing as less skins as possible.By high school, he agreed to be enrolled back to school, this time to a private institution. Unfortunately, by this time, he kept to himself and seldom socialized, rarely opening up to others unless it was required for school matters.After graduating from high school, he took a few years off before attenting college to figure out what he really wanted to do in life in the long run.

College Life

With his interest in the arts and a penchant for painting vivid, fantasy sceneries, Eli took a course related to game development, majoring in illustrations to further improve his skill set.Eli was popular campus-wide among all genders for his "effortless looks", smarts, and impressive, artistic talents, but his popularity greatly shot up after rejecting each confession he had received, making him "highly desirable yet difficult to reach." He was hyper-focused on his studies to even bother dating at the time.He still mostly kept to himself but had a few, tight-knit friendships that helped made college bearable.

Dating Life

Despite his anxiety and reservations, he still had few romantic relationships during the years he took a break after high school but all of them ended on bad terms mostly because of being a one-sided effort from Eli to maintain them.Eli had one long term relationship with a friend-turned-lover which lasted for about two years. It was mutually ended and they remained friends until both became busy with their own lives. Their connection eventually faded away.By the second year in college, Eli met Ray through a mutual friend who set them up under the guise of helping each other in their weakest subjects. After getting to know each other during study sessions, feelings eventually blossomed and not long the two started dating. After a year, Eli moved in Ray's apartment which is close to the university.Eli and Ray continued to live together even after Ray graduated two years ahead of Eli. Once Eli graduated, Ray proposed to Eli and they got engaged. The following year, they got married and moved in to their own home.

Current Life

Eli is currently working as a background and concept artist at a game studio, specializing in high fantasy concepts.Despite his anxiety disorder, he has become more open to others and grew close with his co-workers, often enjoying lunch and occasional trips together outside work.He's taken up gardening as a hobby, even growing a variety of herbs and spices for his baking and Ray's cooking needs.He's also developed an interest in home decorating, which lead to uncontrolled shopping habits that Ray had to intervene before they got burried in boxes after boxes of impulsive purchases...Overall, life is now kinder to him and Eli's been living comfortably with significantly less worries and his loved ones always spoiling him.


They continue to live the way they currently except they would adopt a few animals - a senior cat, a kitten, and probably a fluffy dog.

RAYCE SULLIVAN (Husband)Eli is head-over-heels in love with his husband. He spoils Ray as much Ray does towards him. Just like his beloved, Eli doesn't shy away from displaying acts of affection while out on dates. He does his best to please Ray and often plans small surprises to which always catch Ray off-guard.

LILIA JACOBS (Mother)Spontaneous, doting and HIGHLY affectionate, Lilia raised Eli as a single mother and since Eli's childhood, she's only given her only son the best the world has to offer which would often go excessively.Lilia is also protective of Eli. Despite being a public figure - a high profile shoe designer, she maintains any matters with Eli as private as possible, not even letting the photographers take photos during shows.

ETHAN JACOBS (Stepfather)Eli's relationship with Ethan started awkward and Eli used to only call him "uncle", even after he married Lilia.However, Ethan didn't let the awkwardness be an obstacle in acting as a proper father to Eli, at the same time, giving Eli the space he needs to adjust.The first time Eli called him "dad" was one of the most important, unforgettable moments of his life.

DAVID (Brother-in-Law)
Voice Claim: Tsuda Kenjiro (JP)
Fate moves mysteriously, that's true to how David and Eli became related.David's been managing Ray since university days but he wasn't acquainted with Eli yet until he married Eli's stepsister.A man of few expressions, he often comes off as cold and uncaring, but he's seen to show more softness (and bias) towards Eli by allowing only Eli to call him cute nicknames. Other than that, he never fails to do Eli's favors.

MAFIA - OMEGAVERSE AUIn this alternate universe, Eli is an Omega rescued from a brothel raid and was adopted by an all-beta mafia group.He went through a lot of surgeries and was enrolled to physical and mental therapies due to his extensive injuries and trauma.After recovering physically and his mental health stabled, he was provided all the resources to be highly educated and he has shown impressive talent with numbers.Being the youngest and the first Omega of the group, he is heavily guarded even at home and is severely spoiled by the Head of the group.

Voice Claim: Komatsu Mikako (JP)
In this alternate universe, Eli discovered and took a an interest in virtual streaming. He sought help in creating his model from his co-worker and Elliot, a flower angel.Elliot's lore goes:
Ascendant of the Archangel Muriel, Elliot is sent down to the Earthly Realm (Earth) to train for his final ascension. However, while carrying out his duties, Elliot met a human whom he fell in love with and eventually, married.
Married between an angel and a human is unheard of, thus, leading Elliot's training to a halt while the Heavenly Beings discuss how to handle the situation...

HUMAN ROYALTY X FAIRY AUEli in this AU is a halfling born to a human mother and a fae father.He accidentally bumped to the third prince, Ray, after accidentally strolled away from the woods behind the castle. He got curious, but even more so on the freshly baked bread Ray was holding.At this very moment, their fates have forever been intertwined.

WEAPON: Catalyst
SEX: Male
REGION: Monstadt
A nobleman in Mondstadt who fancies travelling. He seems to unknowingly attract enemies, hence, the Knights of Favonius are always tasked to accompany him in his travels.

CASTER ELEOSCreated: 2018
Class: Caster
Rarity: ⭐⭐⭐
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Strength: E
Agility: D
Luck: EX
Endurance: E
Mana Power:D+
Noble Phantasm: C

FATE/GRAND ORDER AUIn this AU, Eli is a vessel for a minor Greek god of mercy, Eleos, whose altar served as a refuge for Heracles' children from Eurystheus' prosecution.ACTIVE SKILL SET:
Manifestation of Mercy B: Restore HP for all allies each turn (3 turns)
Rapid Words of Divine A: Increase your NP Gain (3 turns) & Significantly increase your NP GaugePrayers to Eleos B: Greatly increase DEF (1 turn) & increase DEF (3 turns) for all alliesNOBLE PHANTASM: ALTAR OF ELEOS
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Magecraft
Remove Debuffs & restore HP <effect increases with Overcharge> + Increase DEF (3 turns) + apply Debuff Immune (1 time, 3 turns) for all allies

CREATEDEarly 2010s
Full NameRayce Sullivan
NicknamesRay, Mr. Bear
Age, Gender27, Male
Birthday, SignMay 4, Taurus
Height, Weight182cm, 74kg
Civil StatusMarried
OccupationYoung Adult Author
HobbiesCooking, baking
(trying new recipes)
LikesEli, chocolates,
going to food expos,
staying home
DislikesPublic appearances
Assigned ColorsMint
Baby Blue
Body ClaimChoi Minho (SHINee)*
Voice ClaimSuzuki Tatsuhisa (JP)**
Bryson Baugus (EN)***

* Waterbomb Festival - Seoul 2024
** Tachibana Makoto (Free!)
*** Gepard Landau (Honkai Star Rail)


Ray has side-parted, straight black-brown short hair with fringe on the right and blue-to-mint, slightly droopy eyes.He wears a red, round earring on his right ear, matching with Eli. For outfits, he tries to match with Eli as much as possible as it's one of his joys.Ray's body is visibly toned from working out with a semi-wide set shoulders, firm biceps, and well-shaped torso. His fingers are thicker than Eli's with clean-cut, natural nails.

Body claim: Choi Minho (SHINee) | Photos from Waterbomb Festival Seoul 2024


Ray is a chill, homebody who rarely gets mad, and is fond of cooking and baking. He can be a little competitive as he passionately tries to make better versions of anything that Eli likes.Ironically as a public figure, he's not fond of attending social events and gatherings, even as small as a local book-signing event. Due to this, he's gained a reputation for being incredibly private.However, as he's always active on his social media accounts, he's gained an impressive following on each. He's mostly seen posting about Eli rather than promoting his new works, much to his fans' amusement and to his management's dismay.Ray can be quite protective and strict, often does the final calls for household decisions to maintain balance, but all within reason.


  • His beta design is not far-off from his final, even his job as an author got retained, but in the beta, he was a struggling author who got hyperfixated and possessive of Eli when they met.

  • His final design and character took a 180o turn because I got tired of toxic BL tropes lmao.

  • Among his siblings, Ray is closest with his only sister. They've remained in constant contact that she's pretty much updated with his day to day life and events - from his blossoming dating life with Eli until life after marriage - despite not visiting each other for years.

  • Ray has a "I can do that" mindset when it comes to cooking. If he sees something Eli likes, he believes he can recreate them and do them better. Anything for the baby bear. <3

  • Every year for Eli's birthday, Ray cooks bear-themed dishes and treats in all of his favorite flavors.

  • He regularly works out to maintain his stamina and strength, not to look good physically, so he's always in top shape to carry Eli. <3

  • Ray is pretty activate in social media but not for promoting his works and events, but for posting mundane activities with Eli or simply just, Eli. Due to this, Eli also popularity among Ray's readers.


Early Life

Ray is the third son and fourth child among five siblings, born to wealthy family owning several chains of hotels and other businesses around the globe.Despite having a lot of siblings, he most often played with his elder sister and younger brother. He wasn't particularly close with his elder brother and felt like he was bothering them due to their age gaps.As a child, Ray was calm and rarely threw tantrums. Well-behaved and well-mannered, he was a joy to raise.He have shown early interest towards literature and would often prefer to read than play with his siblings.

School Life

Being born wealthy, Ray had been enrolled in private institutions all his life with programs focused to business, as he was expected to work in his parents' businesses. However, Ray's heart wasn't in it, it never was.After graduating from high school, he was set for a business college but he rebelled by enrolling to a literature course. This caused his parents, particularly his father, distraught and refused to pay for his education, ultimately, disowning him. This lead to him working as an amateur author to pay for his education.However, his elder siblings all supported him morally and financially unknown to their father, especially his older brothers. They provided him his apartment and paid for his college fees, leaving Ray only working for his allowance from his amateur job. This greatly lifted Ray's spirits up.He graduated with honors and immediately debuted as a popular author.

Dating Life

Ray had dated women during his teenage years and only started dating men after he realized he was attracted to them. However, he treated these relationships casually, barely invested his feelings on his partners which resulted to most of these relationships ending on bad terms.The women he dated were affectionate, often needy, and can be clingy yet he didn't give back the same energy. The men were no better in his opinion. He felt indifferent during breakups and easily moved on like the relationships didn't even happen. There wasn't a single relationship he treated seriously.During college, Ray rarely dated despite receiving regular confessions.When a mutual friend introduced Eli to him, Ray was annoyed and rather uninterested but gave in to partake in his friend's trickery just to shut him up. In spite of that, he thought Eli was cute - he was awkward but considerate, shy but earnest, eager but not pushy - Ray was intrigued by him. He found Eli's slowness adorable, his expressions endearing - he fell head over heels for him. Ray wasn't used to doing the confession, but he made the first move and was rewarded with a shy but resounding yes from Eli.After Eli graduated, Ray proposed and Eli said yes.

Current Life

Ray is currently a professional author writing Young Adult novels which gained a loyal following, particularly from female readers. Amusingly, his popularity went up when he started posting photos of him with Eli on social media, leading fans to often speculate some of Ray's characters are based on him and some of his poetic works are love letters.He's developed a love-hate relationship with book signing events but it being part of his job as an author, the smaller the event the higher the chances he would do them.Since he works at home permanently, Ray's in-charged of household matters including chores and having the final say in important decisions. This made him a homebody who dislikes attending social gatherings and would rather prefer staying at home with Eli whenever he can.Even after marriage, Ray spoils Eli and consistently takes him out on dates as enthusiastically as he was when they were in college. A happy Eli makes a happy Ray, afterall.


They continue to live the way they currently except they would adopt a few animals - a senior cat, a kitten, and probably a fluffy dog.

ELLIS JACOBS-SULLIVAN (Husband)Ray spoils Eli like no other; he's quite weak and often gives in to Eli's requests and whims, sometimes losing reason in the process. He's incredibly passionate in providing and meeting Eli's needs, often above his, so as long Eli feels happy and loved all the time. His willingness to adjust to accommodate Eli is beyond what anyone could imagine.On dates with Eli, Ray keeps a low profile but does not shy away from displaying his affection. In short, he's a simp.

DAVID (Manager & Editor, Brother-in-Law)
Voice Claim: Tsuda Kenjiro (JP)
David is a long-time friend since highschool who became Ray's manager and editor since his amateur job and now also his brother-in-law after marrying Eli.David has a penchant for teasing Ray (with a deadpan face) especially during family gatherings yet in a snap he turns professional and strict when work matters get in the conversations.He's brutally efficient whenever deadlines are fast-approaching, much to Ray's stress.

LILIA JACOBS (Mother-in-Law)Lilia is so fond of Ray and being the spontaneous and bubbly person that she is, just LOVES teasing him. At this point, it is a hobby, no, a lifestyle.She loves sharing details about Eli that Ray might not have known yet as she finds his reactions amusing; seeing someone love Eli as much as she does is one her greatest joys in life.

MAFIA - OMEGAVERSE AUIn this alternate universe, Ray is a member of smaller group who went undercover in a brothel which later got raided and later rescued Eli.He begged the other, bigger group, who has more power and resources, to adopt Eli after finding out he is orphaned with no known records.He was occasionally updated with Eli's status throughout recovery while he himself was in therapy due to what he witnessed in the brothel.Despite the infrequent communication, he's one of the few people Eli trusted and whom he's comfortable with. This lead to Ray being frequently hired to Eli's bodyguard despite being part of another group.Their relationship became the catalyst of an unlikely alliance between their groups.

VTUBER AU - MR. BEARIn this alternate universe, Ray isn't exactly a vtuber but since his voice could be heard during Eli's streams, the viewers got interested so Eli thought of having a model to represent Ray as well. Of course, Eli chose a bear to represent his husband.Mr. Bears lore goes:
Elliot being unfamiliar with a lot of things in the Earthly Realm, Mr. Bears handles anything when it comes to computer matters and navigating around the neighborhood.
Mr. Bear always buys and prepares home-made snacks for Elliot to review on stream.

HUMAN ROYALTY X FAIRY AURay in this AU is the sneaky, third prince of a kingdom who hates formalities.One day after escaping from his retainers, he met a winged being with pointy ears. He's unsure of his gender more than what they are, but thought they were cute. He's captivated.Little did he know, this meeting has altered his fate forever.

WEAPON: Polearm
SEX: Male
A special operations soldier of the Millelith in Liyue who likes to solves puzzles in Inazuma. He's already engaged to a nobleman from Mondstadt.

Elliot - Overview

Full NameElliot
Age, GenderN/A, Male
Birthday, SignSeptember 14, Virgo
Height, Weight160cm, 48kg
Civil StatusMarried
OccupationVirtual Streamer
Casual gaming
LikesHis husband, flowers,
chatting streams,
farm simulators
Assigned ColorsPastel Yellow
Baby Pink


Elliot has a wavy, chest-length hair with pink gradients to the tips, pink streak on his fringe, and a curly ahoge which takes shapes depending on his mood. His eyes are pink with pastel yellow highlights with long upperlashes and a mole under the left eye.He has a floral halo of pink, little flowers that seem to always shed petals on him. His wings are a gradient of pink to yellow shaped like petals.He dresses in an all-white outfit with gold and pink accents, making him look pure and delicate.


Elliot is a very chill virtual streamer who is soft-spoken and doesn't have big reactions, which makes him very refreshing and calming by his viewers.

Early Life

Ascendant of the Archangel Muriel, Elliot is sent down to the Earthly Realm (Earth) to train for his final ascension. However, while carrying out his duties, Elliot met a human whom he fell in love with and eventually, married.Married between an angel and a human is unheard of, thus, leading Elliot's training to a halt while the Heavenly Beings discuss how to handle the situation...


Elliot currently lives with his loving husband and continues to carry out his tasks for his training. Since he can't work traditional jobs, he has since discovered streaming first as a hobby until it naturally evolved into a full-time job.His streams are usually him playing casual games - particularly farm simulators, reviewing snacks (both bought and home-made), and painting flowers. He has gained a decent following despite only streaming once or twice a month, which runs for about one to two hours.


  • He is Eli's vtuber-sona in a Vtuber AU.

  • Also i just really wanted flower angel.


Elliot - Relationships

Avatar Only

MR. BEAR (Husband)Elliot being unfamiliar with a lot of things in the Earthly Realm, he relies a lot on his ever-dependable and loving husband, especially when it comes to computer matters and navigating around the neighborhood.Mr. Bear always buys and prepares home-made snacks for Elliot to review.

Tutankhamun - Overview

FranchiseFate/GRAND ORDER
Full NameTutankhamun
Class, RarityRuler⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SpeciesHuman (Servant)
OriginAncient Egypt
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Age, GenderN/A, Male
Height, Weight143cm, 42kg
HobbiesFlying around
Likesanything gold, gems,
collecting knives
Assigned ColorsWhite, Gold
Voice ClaimMinegawa Junko (JP)*
Patrick Pedraza (EN)**

* Echizen Ryouma (TeniPuri)
** Wanderer (Genshin Impact)


Tutankhamun has been summoned as a young boy with golden-tipped white hair, his beautifully tanned skin adorn with golds and royal purple accents. His eyes are an interesting combination of deep blue and golden yellow.He's always barefooted for some reason, but guess it isn't important as he's always floating anyway...


Tutankhamun being a child king in his past life, he has a very bubbly and proud personality, with his hyper energy being highly contagious. Cheerful and likes playing pranks, he often plays with fellow mischievous servants.He's seen as a carefree person, always looking into things positively. Dependable and a good leader, most people couldn't help but be drawn to him. He simply radiates like a true king.


Tutankhamun - Profile


AgilityCMana PowerEX
LuckEXNoble PhantasmA

Class Skill Set (Passive)

Territory Creation AIncrease Arts Card effectiveness
Magic Resistance EXIncrease your Debuff Resist

Active Skill Set

Vampirism AHigh Chance to decrease a single enemy's charge & increase your own NP Gauge
Gift from the Gods A+Increase NP Gain (3 turns) + Increase Arts Card effectiveness (3 turns) & Increase DEF (3 turns) for all allies
Divine Protection EXApply Invincibility (1 time, 3 turns) & greatly restore HP for yourself

Noble Phantasm

Rank: A
Type: Barrier
Remove Debuffs + Apply Incoming Damage Cut Status (3 turns) + Increase NP Gauge + Significantly Restore HP <effect increases with Overcharge> for all allies + inflict Stun on yourself (1 turn) [Demerit]

Tutankhamun - Relationships

SAINT OLGA OF KIEV (Servant Avenger)Gaaah... she's an avenger, isn't she? I'm in trouble, aren't I?Avengers are advantageous against Rulers so Amun is a bit uncomfortable around Olga. However, as fellow rulers of their respective kingdoms, he holds her on high regards.

PING YANG (Servant Assassin)I admire! A female commander, I like her!Amun sees Ping Yang as an effective, strong leader and he has nothing but respect and admiration. However, he wishes Ping Yang didn't treat him too much like a child... he IS a pharaoh afterall.

FranchiseFate/GRAND ORDER
Full NameSaint Olga of Kiev
Class, RarityAvenger ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SpeciesHuman (Servant)
OriginKievan Rus' (Europe)
Age, GenderN/A, Female
Height, Weight170cm, 59kg
HobbiesSetting things on fire,
poking fun at others
Assigned ColorsPlum
Voice ClaimSawashiro Miyuki (JP)
Allegra Clark (EN)*

* Beidou (Genshin Impact)


Olga has a curly, short, dark plum hair parted to the side while her eyes are cold and grey. Her most notable feature is having a mole under each eye and she's seen to wear dark, plum lipstick.She dresses rather provocatively for a saint (but then this is FGO), adorned in gold and lots of gems.


Beautiful yet vicious, a saint but exudes evil, Olga is an interesting character to her own right.Despite being a religious figure, even as a saint, Olga displays characteristically evil traits. A great irony to some. Cunning and manipulative, she rather enjoys subtly tormenting others mentally, teasing and provoking them until they lose their cool. The more you fuel her fire, the more she gets entertained.



AgilityAMana PowerC
LuckCNoble PhantasmB+

Class Skill Set (Passive)

Avenger BIncrease the amount of MP you gain when damaged + Decrease Debuff Resist for all allies (including sub-members) except yourself [Demerit]
Oblivion Correction BIncrease your Critical Strength
Self-Restoration Magic BIncrease NP Gauge each turn for yourself

Active Skill Set

Mind's Eye (True) BApply Evade (1 turn) & increase DEF (3 turns) for yourself
Vengeful Ruler B+Increase your attack (3 turns) & C. Star Gather rate (3 turns) for yourself
Equal to the Apostles AIncrease your NP Gauge & apply Ignore Invincible (3 turns) + gain Critical Stars

Noble Phantasm

Rank: A
Type: Anti-Personnel
Increase Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn) for yourself + Deal heavy DEF-ignoring damage to all enemies & inflict Burn (5 turns) <effect increases with Overcharge> to all enemies

Saint Olga - Relationships

TUTANKHAMUN (Servant Ruler)He likes to run away from me. And chasing him is fun.Needless to say, he is Olga's favorite target to torment.

PING YANG (Servant Assassin)She has my respect. It takes a lot of guts to command an army. If she were with me during my reign, we would have been invincible.

Class: Caster
Rarity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Alignment: Chaotic-Balanced
Strength: D
Agility: A
Luck: A
Endurance: C
Mana Power: B
Noble Phantasm: A

FGO SERVANT: BRIDE VERSIONAn Olga clad in a saintly white dress, seemingly incapable of any form of brutality.ACTIVE SKILL SET:
Queen's Orders B: Increase Buster Card Effectiveness (3 turns) & Increase Critical Strength (3 turns) for all allies
Saint's Blessing A: Increase NP Strength (3 turns) & apply Debuff Immunity (1 time, 3 turns) for all alliesProtection from the Almighty A: Increase DEF (3 turns) & apply Incoming Damage Cut (2 times, 3 turns) & slightly increase NP Gauge for all alliesNOBLE PHANTASM: ISAPOSTOLOS
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army
Deal heavy damage to all enemies & decrease DEF (3 turns) & Buster Card Resistance (3 turns) & inflict Skill Seal (1 turn) to all enemies & increase DEF (3 turns) for all allies

FranchiseFate/GRAND ORDER
Full NamePing Yang
Class, RarityAssassin ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SpeciesHuman (Servant)
OriginAncient China
Age, GenderN/A, Female
Height, Weight160cm, 48kg
HobbiesForming strategies,
hanging out with
LikesHorses, swords,
Assigned ColorsBlack
Voice ClaimKomatsu Mikako (JP)*
Dawn M. Bennett (EN)**

* Caenis (Fate/Grand Order)
** Yukong (Honkai Star Rail)


Ping Yang (in her final ascension of form) has slightly androgynous features, sporting long, luscious straight hair and piercing, sharp eyes. A frail-looking princess she maybe, Ping Yang is trained to wield swords and doesn't shy away from wearing heavy armory.She grooms herself in an orderly manner but is not afraid for her clothes to be tattered and stained in blood, she will go to battle in them like the proud general that she is.


Raised as a noble, Ping Yang is always polite and reserved, often looking rather unapproachable - even more so that she's often seen hanging out with fellow general and warrior servants twice her height - but she loves socializing and having conversations, however small or deep they maybe.Cool and collected, she rarely has a temper. Her perfect control of her emotions and expressions make her an ideal leader.As a general, she can't help but be disciplined and on high alert, but that doesn't mean she can't let loose. Ping Yang loves playing strategic board games and would often challenge the most intelligent servants around. Ping Yang also loves children, and playing with them is one of her ways to relax. However, sometimes she's unironically teaching them advanced military tactics... teach them young they say...



AgilityA+Mana PowerD+
LuckCNoble PhantasmB

Class Skill Set (Passive)

Presence Concealment BIncrease your C. Star Drop Rate
Riding Skill CSlightly Increase your Quick Card Effeciveness

Active Skill Set

Siren Song AChance to afflict Charm to one enemy of [Opposite Gender]
Golden Rule BIncrease NP Gain (3 turns) & increase NP gauge for yourself
Princess' Bribery BIncrease Arts Card (3 turns) + Buster Card (3 turns) + Quick Card (3 turns) effectiveness for all allies

Noble Phantasm

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Increase NP Strength (1 turn) & Increase Buster Card effectiveness (3 turns) for yourself + Deal heavy damage to all enemies & Chance to inflict Death <effect increases with Overcharge> to all enemies

Ping Yang - Relationships

TUTANKHAMUN (Servant Ruler)A young kid with a lot of potential. However, his discipline needs a lot of work.Ping Yang recognizes Amun is indeed a king in his own right, but to her eyes he is still a kid. She's especially bothered that Amun walks around in barefeet...

SAINT OLGA OF KIEV (Servant Avenger)A queen in her own right, strong and fearless. Fighting beside her is an honour.As a fellow noble and ruler, Ping Yang respects Olga but sometimes she's worried for her being too... malicious at times so Ping Yang can't help but be on guard.